
Welcome to Northgate Holiness Christian Church (NGHCC).

A non-denominational evangelical church, NGHCC was founded in Hsinchu in 1959. Its​ theological foundations are the heritage of renowned evangelists such as John Wesley, Albert Benjamin Simpson, Charles Cowman, Shigeharu Nakata and Ernest Kilborne.

One thing that stands out about NGHCC is DIVERSITY.

We currently have a congregation of 600+ adults and a Sunday School program of 120+ children, ranging in age from ​0-106. Whether you are a CEO or ​currently ​unemployed, a famous professor or a foreign factory worker, ​you ​ARE​ a dear brother​ or sister in Christ ​to us, and we welcome you.

We usually worship with both traditional hymns and contemporary praise songs, and please feel free to lift up your praises to our Lord in whichever way you feel the most comfortable.

Our congregation at NGHCC is inclusive of cultures and nationalities, with members from mainland China, Taiwanese aboriginal tribes, Malaysia, Thailand, Indonesia, New Zealand, Hungary, and United States. All worship and serve together in this great and happy family.

Although we don’t yet have small groups dedicated for English-speaking members, we do provide simultaneous sermon translation from Mandarin to English – just ask our ushers for a set of headphones when you come in.

​        We would love to have you join us each week for Sunday Worship service​s :MORNING Service from 8:30 a.m. to 9:45a.m. &  LATE MORNING Service from 11:00 a.m. to 12:20 p.m., with an optional half-hour congregational prayer session right before the service. And be sure to stay for lunch so that we may get to know you better!